The JBizz 200 Blog 

Latest news for 2009

December 14, 2009

The year is nearing it's end, and it is amazing what i've learned the past 4 months. I am gratefull for the members of Simviation forum for all the assistance, patience and help with this project.

the latest news is as follows:

  1. The major progress is with the CFG, with contact points, performance, and small tweaks. I've managed to maintain Mach 1.06 at 90% throttle for 400km. Awesome. Flew from George to Cape Town in South africa in about 30 minutes :-)
  2.  The Fuselage is smoothed, and textures is remapped.

That is all for now. The next step is to model and animate the entrance door and spoilers. and then I will start with the VC 






More changes

December 9, 2009
1) The fuselage is scaled up a bit to accomodate more head height and also the door.
2) The Taxi lights is added - not working, but is drawn and textures added
3) Engine exhausts is modelled and textured
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Current stage of development

December 4, 2009

The current stage of the model is this:

* The landing gear still needs landing lights
* All the lights still need to be added
* The ailerons, Rudder and Elevators work good! - needs to be tested
* The VC cockpit is still an empty shell, but at least it loads in Fs9  :-)
* The flaps is modelled and textured, but still cant get them to work in FS9 or X
* The center landing gear still dont rotate with rudder - dunno why
* The engine exhusts is done, but I am not happy with the outlet textures, so I am ...

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